Private Toto sites were a different world. There were all kinds of events such as soccer, baseball, basketball, American football, and handball held all over the world, and the types of bets were win-loss, under-over (the sum of the scores of both teams exceeds the standard score), and handicap (a method of giving disadvantageous conditions to strong teams). ) and specials (first walk in baseball, first 3-point shot in basketball, scoring in the first half of soccer, etc.).
- 0 alb
- 138 zhlédnutí
Žádná alba.
- {POPISEK reklamního článku, také dlouhý přes dva a možná dokonce až tři řádky, končící na tři tečky...}
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Private Toto sites were a different world. There were all kinds of events such as soccer, baseball, basketball, American football, and handball held all over the world, and the types of bets were win-loss, under-over (the sum of the scores of both teams exceeds the standard score), and handicap (a method of giving disadvantageous conditions to strong teams). ) and specials (first walk in baseball, first 3-point shot in basketball, scoring in the first half of soccer, etc.).
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